Industries & Fields of Specializations

Legal Professionals

Who We Work With

Comoe Language Services works with legal professionals in the United States and abroad in different fields such as civil courts, criminal proceedings, international contracts, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, etc. We have established a stellar reputation for excellent quality and for the emphasis we place on ensuring the privacy of all parties involved is protected.

Fields of Specializations

Industries We Serve

Legal interpretation & Translation
Faculty Exchange Meetings or Seminars
Business Meetings, Trade Missions, Trade Fairs
School Districts/Parent-teacher conference
Sporting Events or Contract Negotiations
Human Resource
Liaison Interpretation Service

Faculty Exchange Meetings or Seminars

We have the logistical means and experience to provide seamless interpretation during faculty or student exchange meetings between learning institutions from the US and other countries. Our interpreters are proficient and highly recommended to render interpretation in all three methods of interpretation (simultaneous, consecutive, and sight translation).

Business Meetings, Trade Missions, Trade Fairs

We have the ability, agility, and know-how to provide interpretation in all modes of interpretation (simultaneous, consecutive, and sight translation) during speeches, roundtables, or on the go during site visits or excursions.

We service on-request solicitation as well as provide interpretation during business meetings, trade missions, or trade fairs arranged by us.


We work with hospitals, doctor offices, and dental clinics and adhere to HIPPA laws as we provide in-person, over-the-phone, or video interpretation. We facilitate conversations between doctors and their patients during medical appointments, psych evaluations, etc.

School Districts/Parent-teacher conference

We use our extensive knowledge of educational systems in different country systems to seamlessly interpret between US school administrators, teachers, school districts, and their enrollees from different countries around the world to bridge the gap between people from different educational systems and lead to an accurate understanding of the discussion being had.

Sporting Events or Contract Negotiations

We provide language interpretation services during sporting events and contract negotiations between signing parties who speak different languages.


We have over 20 years of experience interpreting for local and federal governments in the US, and foreign country cooperation and development agencies in Africa.

Human Resource

Our understanding and deep knowledge of local as well as international human resources laws and practices make us your premier choice for interpretation and translation services in the field of human resources.

Liaison Interpretation Service

We provide on-demand liaison interpretation services; we travel alongside a client during leisure or business trips or visits, to render interpretation along the way to make their trip or visit more memorable, fruitful, and/or enjoyable.

If you are a TV or movie-producing crew traveling to a country where French, Spanish, or Dyoula is the spoken language, we will be happy to be your liaison interpretation.

Interested in our Interpretation Services?

Contact Us

If you need a professional in-person (OSI), video (VRI), phone interpretation (OPI), or translated document, please call 602-349-5322, fill out the below form, or email us at